
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus. It can cause complaints such as bleeding, pain, burning, itching, wetness. Constipation, sitting in the toilet for a long time, pregnancy, standing or sitting for a long time, portal hypertension, poor nutrition from the fiber are the main causes of hemorrhoidal disease.

The diagnosis is made by rectal examination. Sometimes anoscopic examination may be required. It is divided into 4 stages according to the severity of the disease.


Diet and drug therapy: constipation should be prevented, plenty of water and fiber rich foods should be consumed. Various pills, creams and suppositories are used to reduce swollen veins-pain.

Interventional treatments: Generally it is used in 1-2. degree hemorrhoids.

  1. Sclerotherapy: Injecting a vasoconstrictor with a needle into hemorrhoids.
  2. Band ligation: It is a strangulation treatment by attaching a rubber band to the neck of the hemorrhoid.
  3. Laser and infrared: It is the method of ligating hemorrhoids with heat sources.

Surgical Treatments:

Longo stapled hemorrhoidopexy: It is based on the principle of repositioning of the hemorrhoidal tissue back to its normal anatomic position and reducing the blood supply of hemorrhoids with the help of a special tool. It is a painless procedure compared to classical surgery.

Classical surgical method: hemorrhoids are cut and removed.